Kylie Jenner took to Twitter on Sunday to answer fan questions about her pregnancy and being a new mom. The beauty mogul told one fan who asked how much weight she gained during the pregnancy, Jenner replied “40” with a face palm emoji. She also tweeted about her food cravings during and after pregnancy saying that she really missed eating sushi and even though she never liked them before she got pregnant, Kylie said she craved Eggos, “I never liked them before I was pregnant & haven’t had one since I had her. So strange! Lol.” After birth Kylie revealed her one food request, “the bread from Craig’s! I had it waiting for me lol.” Jenner also tweeted about how her boyfriend, Travis Scott is “the best” with Stormi and the surprise the couple got, "Thought we were gonna have a boy! I was soooo surprised!" What strange cravings did you have while pregnant? Did you wait to find out the gender of your baby until birth?