Trump Law May Get 21 Savage Deported

21 Savage is now out on bond after being arrested by ICE, but he still may be deported because of a law made by President Trump. As far as 21's application to stay in the U.S. is concerned lawyers are positive it will be approved because he checks out on all the criteria needed to become a citizen. However, Trump changed the immigration policy set by earlier presidents to where if you're waiting on your application to be approved, you must go back to your home country until approval is granted. ICE said they would drop the deportation proceedings if 21 Savage left the country voluntarily. The application takes about four years to process and 21 filed his application in 2017. Do you think that 21 Savage will leave the country? Should all of this be overlooked based on the way 21 Savage has been treated? Would you voluntarily leave the country or try to stay and fight your case? 

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