Video: Store Goes Up in Flames Causing Unplanned Fireworks Show

This year, one of the country's biggest, most colorful 4th of July fireworks displays didn't even draw a large crowd. Then again, no one was expecting it to happen.

A fire at Davey Jones' Fireworks and the House of Fireworks -- adjoining stores in Fort Mill, South Carolina -- kept firefighters on their toes Thursday morning as they had to dodge exploding shells and speeding rockets while extinguishing the blaze.

Instead of a dark gray or black plume of smoke that's normally associated with structure fires, the early morning blaze filled the sky with dazzling showers of colors, video reveals. As big a spectacle as it was, the fire never even made it inside the stores.

The Fort Mill Fire Department reports the blaze was contained to an outside storage container filled with fireworks. They were able to get it under control within 45 minutes, a rep says.

Have you ever had a mishap with fireworks? Why do you think people love to see things explode?

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