Check Out A Day In A Life Of The Radio DJ Latina Girl Carmen Contreras!

We get it all the time, "You all have an easy job you get paid to talk" true, but I wouldn't say it's easy. We also have appearances with clients, attend speaking engagements, and we now have more radio shows in other markets. We also are on standby 24/7 for major breaking news, we blog, keep up with our social media platforms and the stations also. I'm not complaining, I love my job and when you love your job it's not work. I wanted to share with you all on how I go about my busy days with gigs, work and what I look forward to once I get home. Thank you for all the love you all give me. Xo..xo..xo..

Here is a video of me and my girls at our speaking engagement.

Photo: Owner Carmen Contreras

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