By now you should be caught up with the R Kelly docuseries. I #Latinagirl watched episode six last night and had to stop watching it to get myself together. I admit I can't listen to his music anymore, in the past I've been able to separate the artist from the person, plus I won't judge him, we all know GOD will handle him, but after watching these episodes, I will no longer listen to his music, it's so disturbing, yes we have always heard that this monster prefers teens, but to hear the victims stories, is so heart breaking. Today is R Kelly's birthday and If I could give him a birthday present, I would lock him up in phuckin J A I L
Last night I came across Master P's thoughts on the docuseries, I do admit he does have a point on the mother and father that were throwing rocks at the building trying to get their daughters attention. Let me tell you something phuck them rocks...I would be kicking down the door, etc...check out Master P's thoughts on #SurvivingRKelly