DJ Supastar

DJ Supastar

Dj, Philanthropist, & TV Reality Personality, Zelma T. Lee, is better known to fans as DJ Supastar. Full Bio


PODCAST: Face The Beat w/ DJ Supastar joined by Max Bozeman & Dr. Shabazz

On Sunday's #FaceTheBeat, DJ Supastar was joined by restaurant owner Max Bozeman II and Councilwoman Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz.

Max owns the Greasy Spoon Soulfood Bistro here in Houston. Supastar chats with him about giving $10,000 to people in need and free food to the community.

Dr. Shabazz is a member of the Houston City Council, representing District D in Texas. She talks to DJ Supastar about the winter storm food & water distribution going on for the city.

Photo: Instagram @districtdhoustontx & @thegreasyspoonhtx

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